A year of more living
I managed to keep a few of my resolutions for 2014. Others, not so much. But overall, this past year has been a marked improvement over the shit show that was 2013.
Making up for lost time
I've taken on a full-time job while still keeping some freelance jobs on the side, and while it makes me feel productive, I sometimes miss the lazy days of my post-op recovery.
Thanks, I guess
Just because today is named Thanksgiving, it doesn’t mean I, or anyone else, has to set aside all the things they’re unhappy about and make a list of all they’re grateful for.
Worth and endurance
It's been a little over a month since I started working my first full-time job since I had my colon removed. The importance of a job to make one feel valued, especially after being unable to work for a long time, can't be underestimated.
For some admittedly self-centered reasons, I hate the ice bucket challenge
Despite raising money and quasi-awareness, the ALS ice bucket challenge reflects the sad state of charitable giving, where inanity and vanity trump compassion and morality.
Back to work
After being out of full-time work for over a year, I've managed to find a new job. That's a relief, but now I worry whether my post-op body will be able handle the rigours of a career.